Below the Root: A story, a computer game and my lifelong obsession
This 1984 computer game inspired my art and made me want to be a programmer The original box cover that contained the diskettes, map and manual. »
This 1984 computer game inspired my art and made me want to be a programmer The original box cover that contained the diskettes, map and manual. »
A child's world without words The first ideas that eventually led to the Ange Terrestre animated cartoon character date back to around 1997. After »
Le Robot Rebelle or Rebel Robot is a cartoon character and story I created between 1998 and 2002. These sketches and videos show the early ideas »
O'Neill Cylinder interior provides a 20-mile vista. Children born here would think it totally normal to have "upside down" land areas overhead. »
The game * A guy on a flying carpet has to get the three lamps in the cave and deliver them to Princess Rozel. * Version 1.0 »